How To Make Your Own Soap

If you want to make your own soap and save some money in the process, it’s actually a lot simpler than you might think. Many are discovering how to make soap at home, and discovering just how much healthier it is for them.

The bonus comes when you learn how easy it is, how good it is for your budget and how healthy it is for your family to use homemade soaps. The budget part is easy. It costs a lot less to make your own soap than to purchase it in the store. One batch of soap can last for a long time with the cost of a bar being well under a dollar. For the budget conscious, and who isn’t budget conscious these days, it’s a huge bonus.

The next thing you learn when it comes to making your own soap, is exactly how healthy it is for you and your family. The chemicals that are in store bought soaps are very damaging to your skin, and the bottom line is they are really not healthy or safe to be using on a regular basis. Once you learn how to make your own soap, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing your using something healthy, but better yet is the realization of how good it is for your skin. It’s a safe way of moisturizing your skin and bringing it back to peak perfection and restoring natural oils and balance.

There are a number of different kinds of methods you can use to make your own soap. You can choose from melt and pour soaps, cold process soaps, hot process soap, liquid soaps or rebatching soaps. It really starts to become fun, once you’ve chosen which process you want to use and then to actually start making your soap. It can be a really creative process if you want it to be. From choosing colors, to essential oils, to molds, whether plain or decorative, to all the different kinds of soap you can make.

Beside making just the standard square bar of soap you can use decorative molds, soap on a rope, liquid soaps, shaving soaps for men, (and I suspect women would love them also), to Popsicle soaps, to soap you create to give away as presents.

Then there are the ingredients. Fragrances and essential oils can be used on their own, or combined for different aromatherapy affects. There are vegetable soaps, herbal soaps, skin softening soaps, exfolient soaps, bug repellent soaps and even soaps for your pets. I don’t think you can ever get bored with all the different options available to you.

Start out making soaps that are using basic recipes. Castile soap and vegetable soaps are very easy and also very popular. It you start out with the simple ones you will gain confidence and can then move on to recipes that are a little more adventurous and far more creative.

One problem you run into is that you find you love making soap, and you want to make more of it, but there is only so much you can use in a year. You can save even more money and have a lot more fun making soaps, if you start using them as gifts for family and friends.

Should you you want to get really adventurous, you can start a little home soap business in your area and sell your soaps for profit. The extra dollars can come in handy, and you still get to do something you really enjoy. The best part is, you decide how big you want to grow your business and it can be done right in your own home quite easily.

If you’re ready to learn how to make your own soap, then take the plunge and get started. Learn the basics and grow from them. I doubt you’ll ever regret it.